This tutorial covers the basics of how to create a perforated parametric surface form from simple polymesh geometry. Covered are the creation of polymeshes, edit polymesh modifier, using the inset function to form a lattice, delete mesh modifier, shell and mesh smooth modifiers. Total Length: 21.23
Generative Design
is a site that focuses on the utilization of computers in the design and fabrication of architecture, objects, installations, experimental work... The site primarily functions in support of several classes that I conduct at the Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Michigan. They are Arch 591: Generative Design Computing, Arch 571: Digital Fabrication, and Arch 421: Geometric Modeling in addition to Graduate Design Studios. The site is also both an archive of video tutorials generated from those courses and a digital sketchbook of student work and related digital productions. In addition to teaching I’m also part of the design practice (